Sunday, October 25, 2015

IKEA has always been one of my little hideouts to go whenever I wanted to look for a place to rewind, and indulge in some less-guilty shopping
This time we walked around aimlessly for hours, planning in our heads how we wanted our future home to look like.
How funny we have started to bicker about our different tastes in the ideas we both have for our future house, but as always, I win because this area is my forte (HAHA)

You guys must be familiar with the cutest and softest IKEA dog plushie, which reminded me so much of my dog bouncey.
I know I hardly shared about bouncey, but she's still a precious memory that I haven't gotten over, probably never will. One day, when I'm ready, i'll share more about the first and perhaps the only doggy friend I would ever have.


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