Lookbook + Nuffnang's 7th Birthday Bash

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Lookbook + Nuffnang's 7th Birthday Bash

Here's some of my favorite photos from my most recent lookbook shoot with Rubyrouge 
So here's not "wasting" the efforts since i managed to get hold of the photos :)
Decided to post it here too, I guess its always good to look back on my old entries as i get older. 
I wonder if i'll still look the same. Haha


Nuffnang is #007 Birthday Bash!

Last friday, I attended the Nuffnang's Birthday Bash held at Fullhouse Clarke Quay,
It was my first birthday bash I attended ever since I signed with Nuffnang a month ago. Duhh

Happy Birthday Nuffnang! 

Here's the look I went for that night, something really simple and elegant. Wheeee
Many of you have requested for me to do a video on how I achieved this look, but since i've been trying and trying to film the "My everyday make up routine"video i promised...
 I still cant get down to filming this just yet.
Gotta get all the things in my hands all done first!:) 

Anyway, i said "trying" because every single time I film, something will happen. Really facepalm and annoying omg -.-
Either my batt will die, or my dad will walk into the room shirtless *facepalm again*
This morning I actually got down to filming... BUT towards the end there was something wrong with my camera and idk why the Longest clip was missing?!?!

All i had left in my memory card was the last 30 seconds. PFFFFT
And i already had a full face of make up done, so it would be quite ridiculous to remove them and start on filming all over again.
Make up is not cheap okay.... HAHHAHAHA sorry too cheapo.
Guess i'll have to find another time to film again, but don't worry i've been trying people!!! Will definitely get it out somehow ;/

If you're wondering who I went with to the bash, it's none other than the little pineapple Erica!
Also known as Tig3rlilyx
Wah your name is damn hard to type if you're reading this erica. LOL

She's one of my first Nuffnang friend and Im so glad we fellow Libras could hit off sooo well!
We had lots of fun that night and I can forsee this friendship becoming something more "concrete" - instead of just being "blogger friends".
Not a fan of those kind of superficial relationships honestly... so yay! Happy that I got to meet someone like her who thinks the same way :)

We both sat at the table with Joyce, Melissa, Cheryl , and Jayne etc.
I didn't bring my camera so this is all of the photos I had through my phone, sorry!:( 

Here's the crazy elaborate birthday cake kindly sponsored by Emicakes for the company's birthday hehe
Didn't get to try a slice because I went to the toilet while they were giving it out. 
But it's okay because both erica and I were STUFFED from almost camping at the buffet spread like the whole time.

 A photo with the dearest Joyce :)

And yay! Last but not least, a group photo with the girls with our guns.
So glad to have known everyone at the party and thank you Nuffnang for having me on board!

I even received a plague/award for being the "baby" of the company because I'm the newest talent blogger they've recruited!
Been feeling so motivated after the speech and awards presented by Boss Ming and after seeing how the star bloggers like Xiaxue, Qiu Qiu etc have grown under the care of such an amazing company 

Here's to end off this post with what Erica and I do best, having fun and being all crazy Hehehe

It was my first time trying to play with the helium! hahahaha so fun.


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